How effective is hypnosis for quitting smoking? Before we can come down to a conclusive answer to this million dollar question, let’s consider some important facts and figures first. Believe it or not, but more than 16 million Americans are, at the moment, living with...
Probably, hypnosis is the most misunderstood therapeutic tools, when it comes to relieving the stress and worries of life. There are programs like Quit Smoking hypnosis that help people more than you think. Most of us even think the term is referred to as making...
Before we can get to the need for consulting hypnotists, let me ask you two questions: Did you sleep sound last night? Did you sleep at all? If the answer to both these questions is NO, you may be glad you read this blog. Talking of the...
One of the most frequently asked questions, regarding hypnosis is “So what is hypnosis?” While the process is fairly easy to understand, practical implications of the process can be a little difficult for some and daunting for others to grasp. Simply put, hypnosis is a...
Hypnosis is one of the most underrated forms of relief and therapy known to us. To put it simply hypnosis is simply a form of therapy that requires the hypnotist and client working together towards a single goal: To help and to heal. Here are 3...
To most people hypnosis is an alien concept and one they are apprehensive to explore. However, hypnosis is one of the most useful tools that can be utilized to deal with a range of problems from binge eating and smoking to disorders such as PTSD...